Rabu, 28 November 2012

lets spread the jam!

May 3, '10 11:24 PM
for everyone
one of the question that bother any parents of kids with certain disability is; could my kids ever live independently? could they ever live without (or at least, minimalize) any help from other in the term of their daily life? since for certain special needs kids, for doing  simple activities such as tightening the shoe laces, eating with the spoon and fork, or puting together the buttons of a t-shirt, would take lot of energy, concentration and practices. to be honest, these stuffs have also been bugging me since long.

for my kid's case, it took like 4 months to teach her how to use spoon and fork properly while eating, while for doing the button of clothes, it took a little longer that that. in the ropes and laces tightening, it's still in process.  currently, i have her to tie-up many things in the house.lol. ribbons of the curtain, ropes, laces of shoes, cord of her towel after showering..she's the tightening girl in the house. loll. but, alhamdulillah, i believe that she seemingly is about to comprehend the concept of  the rope-tightening soon. wish us some luck guys! :D

though sometimes, the time to master a new ability doesnt take months.
3 weeks ago, i was teaching her how to spread the jam on the bread. and alhamdulillah,
she now is capable of doing it by her self. she's a fighter!

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