Rabu, 28 November 2012

almost the worst weekend ever...phew!

Mar 12, '09 11:16 AM
for everyone
last weekend, was probably one of my few worst weekends ever! why is that?okay, first, it was a long weekend, since maulid nabiy(the prophet's born day) was commemorated on monday, so we, here in indonesia, had this 3-days-off for whole weekend (saturday,sunday and monday).

that should sound fun. well, it was not that much to me. my hubby had this motorcycle trip out of jakarta with some of his friends, from saturday to sunday. so we couldnt spend weekend together as usual. on sunday, my parents in law  asked me to come with them to bandung, but i had to refuse since zahra was still having cough that day. so, the whole sunday, it was only me and zahra at home.

actually, it wasnt the first time for me to be alone at home like this, i have had other home-alone moments like many times. so, i was feeling pretty confident. things were going perfect in the morning. so i decided to get zahra's bike from the bicycle repairing-shop. i was about to open the car door in the garage when i heard zahra's scream and cry. it was so hard. i hurried myself to get into the house and there i saw zahra's mouth was bleeding severely. 
i saw under her lower lip there was a scratch with little blood, then i had a look into her mouth to see what happened, i saw the inside part of her chin was ripped, looked like she fell when she was playing with her ball near the television cabinet. so, i supposed she fell and her chin hit the edge of the cabinet. the fall was so hard and it caused her own teeth to bite the inside part of her chin. the injure was terrible. and the bleeding was hard to stop. so i got my car and took zahra to the a clinic nearby. zahra was still crying and screaming. i think it influenced the way i drove, got my car machine stopped twice because i was a bit trembling while changing the gear.

finally, we got in the doctor room. the doctor said, it should be stitched up a little. but, he gave me another option which was to let the injure get healed naturally. i decided to take the second option, considering zahra is an autistic kid with some sensory issues. i dont think she can be in any kind of stitching-up circumstance. i was so sure, she'd certainly put forth whole of her energy to refuse her chin to be stitched up. it might cause a worse circumstance. i didnt think i could take the risk. so i decided to take the second option, to let it get healed naturally. the doc gave me the perscription of 2 kind of medicines. they are for the pain reducing and the antibiotic. i had my car, all the way to the pharmacy store. on sunday, mostly some pharmacies are closed. but thanks to Allah, i needed only to go to the second pharmacy store to get all medicine we needed. alhamdulillah.

at home, zahra had stopped screaming, though still crying. and thankfully the bleeding had totally stopped. and she was well coorporative when i help her to take the medicine. finally she stopped crying, and went to sleep for almost 4 hours. she must be really tired for crying all day. when i saw her sleeping, there was some sort of guilty feeling in me...maybe if i postponed to go to the bicycle repairing shop, i would have watched zahra when she was about to fall, and could have avoided her from getting bumped. but my mom in law said, if it has to happen it will happen anyway...i know she was trying to cheer me up and calming me down..but i still have the guilty feeling sometimes somehow...

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