Rabu, 28 November 2012

introduction how to perform shalah, for zahra...:)

Aug 27, '10 2:49 PM
for everyone
actually, i've been trying to teach her since long, but she wasnt quite interested in doing it. 

but one of my primary goal this year is to make zahra aware of the need of performing shalah, at least in the very basic level, which means she can feel the need of performing it 5 times per day with the whole package of it like the wudhu(ablution) and the dhikr utterance.

i'm convinced that i can take the advantage of the blessings of this holy month. i determined to get a start to reach this goal. alhamdulillah, although most of time she still makes some absurd movements during the shalah, she's now capable of maintaining her concentration up untill the last raka'ah. while in ablution, she tends to play with the water. lol. but i think it's still under the tolerance level. and it's kind of funny to see her mimicking the movement of my lip seriously during shalah, her face looks even cuter  than ever..lol

while in fasting, she could only make it untill the middle of the day. everyday, at around 11 a.m. she would ask for food..she says she's hungry and wanting to eat nasi(rice) so bad...and she says it with her pity-look, the kind of look that any mom could never stand...so. i have to break her fast only untill 1 p.m.

it's alright. isnt it how we learned to be a beginner faster when we were kids?

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