Rabu, 28 November 2012

kind of people who will make a change

Jun 29, '09 9:55 PM
for everyone
last sunday i had an interesting conversation with my hubby. we were talking about the recent situation, particularly the things that have been going in iran and how the world takes it. he pointed out statements that i think they're valuable to be pondered. he said, that all stuffs that happen todays..it's somewhat resemblance to a natural selection of two kind of people, the smart ones and the ones who are not.
smart people tend to clarify things, and try to look things from two sides. they are refraining from making conclusion based on one sided opinion. they keep their mind open to see the truth, and they believe in their consciences as the tool to help them to distinguish which one does make sense and which one doesnt.
while the other kind of people, in short, they do it quite contrarily.
though, according to my personal observation, there are also some people who obviously couldnt care less and the people who chose to stay ignorant...but, nevermind this personal observation..
there's actually a good news behind all these. history told us, the changes were only made by the smart people. and i think it's very logic, since for all people who have faith that the truth will always be the winner, they will always have God to assist them along their journey. and who could be the best assistance besides God?
now, it's us to decide what kind of people we are.

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