Rabu, 28 November 2012

his holy feet and his cloak are enough to me now...praise be upon him...

Feb 25, '09 4:21 AM
for everyone
have u ever been in a circumstance which you sure that u had a dream in the night time, however u couldnt remember what it was about? and then something came up which brought back all the details of that dream to your mind..i had. 3 days ago, i had this dream which i was so sure that i was dreaming about something but i just could not remember it in the morning. and then in the afternoon, when i was reciting qor'an i came accross an ayah which mentions the words "Allah" and "Rasul". and all of sudden i could remember the dream, with all the details, they all popped just like that.

i remembered, in my dream, i was getting into a house, it was a very simple and small house with 1 door and 2 windows. i came into the house, then i saw a room, and it's door was wide open. i did not come into that room, though i could see feet of an old man, he was lying in the bed. i could see he was wearing a bright greyish cloak. and on the left side of the old man i saw a woman was sitting on the floor, she kept crying.  i could only see her body from the back so i could not tell her face, she was in black long dress and the hejab was black as well. and not long after i saw a man's right hand from the right side of the old man. i could only see his hand was caressing the feet of the old man. and not long after, indistinctly, i heard a man's voice said "inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rojiun"..i could tell from his trembling voice and his shivering hand that he was crying..and the cry of the woman got harder than before. she got up and held the old man and said " Ya Allah...Ya Rasul...Ya Allah...Ya Rasul..." over and over. then my heart started to pound, i asked to my self, "the man who's just died, who was he?" and i heard a voice answered: "it was the rasul of Allah". the words paralized me to the toes. in second, i found my self was down on my knees, i cried like a baby, could hardly breath. and that was it.

i talked to my husband about that dream and asked him if he knew why did i had that dream. he said he did not know the answer. but then yesterday(on feb 24) i got an SMS from my husband, and he wrote: "your dream about the demise of rasulullah, it's because today is 28 safar, the demise day of rasulullah". i was on the verge of tears.

my friends...
certainly, i can assure u all that i'm far from pious, i did and still am doing mistakes. for short, i'm sinful. though i feel that Allah the most gracious and most merciful, has given me the chance to meet the dearest human of Him, His Rasul (eventhough it was only in a dream). and although it was only his holy feet and his cloak, they are enough to me.

Ya Allah...who hold the ultimate sovereignity....may your bless be upon Muhammad and the holy progeny of muhammad. and may through your love upon them, we all could be blessed as well.
allahumma sholli ala sayyidina muhammad wa ala aali sayyidina muhammad.

your sister

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