Rabu, 28 November 2012

Apr 3, '10 1:25 AM
for devi riana's contacts
during college years, i have to say that, i didnt make so many friendships. i dont know why, maybe it has to do with my personality. i'm kind of introvert. from the outside, i may look cheerful and extrovert. though basically, i prefer to share certain things with few close friends.

there were the four of us. irfi, me, ratih and fika. we shared most everything. there were happy stories and the sad ones, it had happened to us.  alhamdulillah, the friendship is still going on to this day. even though college years is over, still we keep in touch to each other. sometimes we do set up the date for us to meet together just for sharing laughters and (sometimes) tears or simply encouraging each other.

infact, today is supposed to be the day for us to have another meet up. unfortunately it's been canceled, since some of us arent healthy enough to go out. i miss them a lot :(

there's a wise saying regarding friends from one of Rusulullah's sahabahs, it was from the 4th khalifah, sayyidina Ali Ibn Abi Thalib (may Allah bless his pure soul):
"A friend cannot be considered a friend unless he is tested on three occasions: in time of need, behind your back and after your death. "

alhamdulillah, in the  first 2 occasions, i found them as the true friends.

so guys, do you have the same kind of friendship? i'm sure everyone does. i think friendship is precious and something we should maintain, since i believe that sincere friends are blessings from Allah SWT.

take care!
salam :-)

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