Selasa, 11 Februari 2014

Zahra dan Teman-Teman Sekolah RAM Karim syuting "Music for You", Net TV. Zahra and Schoolmates were Involved in A TV Program Shot :)

syutingnya jumat 7 februari 2014 kemarin..di graha jala bakti cinere..Belum tau kapan akan tayang..tapi katanya sekitar maret.

the shot was going on last friday, feb 7 2014, at Graha Jala Bakti, Cinere, south Jakarta. they havent given us the exact date as to when it will be aired, but probably on march.

Hal yang berkesan buat saya selama syuting, zahra terlihat cukup enjoy..berbeda dengan saat syuting peliputan aktivitas zahra oleh B channel tahun 2012 lalu...saat itu zahra hampir bisa dibilang lebih banyak bete nya sepanjang syuting. perubahan ini mungkin juga karena dia sekarang sudah lebih nyaman dengan dirinya sendiri dan lingkungannya yaa..

i'm really impressed to see how zahra enjoyed the shot 2012, zahra actually had ever been in a tv program too(only for one episode). only, at that time, zahra wasnt really conducive during the shot, quite different from the recent shot activity she just had. i suppose it has to do with her progress, she feels more comfortable with herself and her surrounding now.

salut untuk para guru sekolahnya (RAM Karim) yang sudah gigih menciptakan suasana yang kondusif bagi anak-anak special needs kami... ini pekerjaan yang luar biasa sulitnya. semoga kualitas yang sudah baik ini dapat dipertahankan.. namun ini sangat mungkin terjadi selama tetap mengedepankan passion dalam bekerja.. semoga passion itu tetap terjaga..aamiin :)

two thumbs up for the teachers of the schools who are very determined in creating a conducive atmosphere for our special needs kids. it is a very hard job, no doubt. i really hope they can maintain this quality..but i guess, it won't be so hard as long as they keep the passion :)

hehe..ummah dan bobo (ibu dan ayah) nya zahra juga kebagian diwawancara sebentar..sekali-sekali nebeng beken sama anak :D

some of the parents who attended were asked for short interview, they asked us too.. well, not everyday we ordinary people can be on tv, can't we? hehehe

di akhir acara, perwakilan guru menyampaikan bahwa acara ini adalah surprise bagi para ortu murid..iya sih, kebanyakan para ortu tidak ngeh kalau performance ini diliput tv.. surprise yang mengesankan, :) kreatif! :D

at the end of the program, a teacher delivered a speech. she said that, this program is actually a surprise for the parents..well, yeah..most of us, the parents, didnt know if the performance day will be recorded by some tv crew and aired on a  tv chanel.. so, i have to say, yea.. we are kind of surprised :).. good job teachers and keep up the creativity! :)